

1 Where have you been?
2 Have you seen it?
3 She hasn't come yet.
4 Have you been here before?
5 I've never been there.
6 Have we met before?
7 Nobody has heard about it.
8 I've just read it.
9 We haven't met for months.
10 They haven't arrived yet.
11 Have you eaten?
12 I've spoken with him.
13 Have you decided yet?
14 I've changed my mind.
15 He hasn't brought it yet.
16 I haven't bought it yet.
17 What's happened?
18 I've known him for years.

Naučte se obrat I haven't seen you in ages! nebo I haven't seen you for ages! Odpovídá českému “Už jsem tě strašně dlouho neviděl.” ap. Obdobně lze užít obrat I haven't heard from him for ages. - “Už se mi neozval, ani nepamatuji.” ap.

Napište věty, které uslyšíte a infinitivy sloves užitých v předpřítomném čase.


Doplňte vhodný tvar uvedeného slovesa podle času.

1 He's break his leg.
2 I haven't speak to him for weeks.
3 She hasn't come yet.
4 I have see that film.
5 They've leave already.
6 I've hear about it.
7 We've never be there.
8 I've tell him about it.
9 Have you send the e-mail?
10 I've buy some apples.

Spojte položky e-mailu s jejich překlady.

  • 1 Recipient
  • 2 Dear Sir/Madam
  • 3 Subject
  • 4 Find attached
  • 5 Please let me know asap.
  • 6 Please confirm receipt
  • 7 Looking forward to your reply
  • 8 Yours faithfully
  • a V příloze najdete
  • b Prosím potvrďte přijetí
  • c Vážená paní / Vážený pane
  • d Příjemce
  • e S pozdravem
  • f Těším se na Vaši odpověď
  • g Dejte mi prosím vědět co nejdříve.
  • h Předmět

Při oslovování skupiny osob (organizace, firmy) lze užít: Dear Sirs - “Vážení” ap. Pokud si nejste jisti, zda je adresát muž nebo žena, lze užít: Sir/Madam. Ale pozor! Zvolání: Oh dear! znamená údiv: Ježíši! nebo Pane Bože! ap.

Rozepište stažené tvary na plné. Soustřeďte se na užití be a have.

1 What's new?
2 What's happened?
3 Who's done it?
4 Who's there?
5 She's been there before.
6 She's still there.
7 I've told him.
8 There's a problem.
9 There's been a lot of time.
10 He's had three beers.
11 He's coming too.
12 How's it going?

Doplňte správné tvary do či make.

1 Have you the cleaning?
2 We have no mistakes.
3 I the shopping yesterday.
4 I've some tea.
5 I'm my best.
6 Have you your homework?
7 How much money did she ?
8 They've a lot of damage.
9 I have only 10 dollars. Will it ?
10 It no sense.
11 What sports do you ?
12 You've a mess of it!
13 We can without them.
14 He's great progress.
15 I need to a phone call.

Vyberte vhodné části frázových sloves.

1 She has three kids. She must look at/after/forward them.
2 He's very angry. He should calm up/down/in.
3 We will get in/back/for to that later.
4 I'm looking for/after/forward to seeing you.
5 Can you pick me out/up/for at the airport?
6 I don't know, but I will find after/in/out.
7 I don't smoke. I've let/taken/given up smoking.
8 I'll give you a ride. Get in/on/at the car!
9 We have to check on/for/in at the hotel first.
10 Don't give up! Keep off/on/out trying.

Spojte související výroky.

  • 1 Would you like a sandwich?
  • 2 Is this your first time here?
  • 3 Have you spoken with him?
  • 4 Why isn't she coming?
  • 5 Do we have milk?
  • 6 Have you informed them?
  • 7 Why are you taking a taxi?
  • 8 Do you know this film?
  • a Yes, he called an hour ago.
  • b Yes, I've bought some.
  • c Our car has broken down.
  • d Yes, I've seen it twice.
  • e No, thanks. I've eaten.
  • f She's changed her mind.
  • g No, I've been here before.
  • h I've sent them an e-mail.

Slovo before je v angličtině nejen předložka (před), ale také příslovce znamenající (už) předtím, (už) dříve. Vyskytuje se typicky na konci věty a často se pojí s předpřítomným či předminulým časem. Např.: I have never been here before. - “Ještě jsem tady nikdy nebyl.”, It's happened before. - Už k tomu dříve došlo. ap.

Doplňte správnou předložku.

1 She was tired. She's gone bed.
2 I haven't heard from him weeks.
3 He hasn't replied my e-mail.
4 She's gone out lunch.
5 Send it this address.
6 I don't smoke. I've given smoking.
7 Please confirm receipt this message.
8 I need to log , but I don't know the password.
9 Stop doing it! I'm tired it.
10 whom it may concern

Utvořte ze slov věty v předpřítomném čase.

she, break, her arm
my parents, not arrive yet
I, cut, myself
I, make, dinner
they, not, send it
you, do, the dishes?
he, not, find it
why, you, come here?
she, speak, with him

Doplňte podle kontextu čas minulý prostý nebo předpřítomný.

1 I was tired. I go to bed early.
2 We meet a month ago, but I not speak with him since then.
3 She lose her key, but she find it already.
4 I not see John last week.
5 I write to him a week ago, but he not reply yet.
6 She know about it, but she not go there yesterday.
7 I send 10 e-mails today, but I not send any yesterday.
8 you watch the film last night? No, I not see it yet.
9 They spend the last week at the seaside, but I go to the mountains.
10 He not eat his breakfast this morning. He not eat for almost two days.
11 She promise to call, but she not call yet.

Čas minulý prostý (past simple) je vymezen konkrétním časem nebo časovým úsekem v minulosti bez souvislosti s přítomností, zatímco čas předpřítomný (present perfect) svým dějem nějak zasahuje z minulosti do přítomnosti, nebo říká, že daný časový úsek, v němž něco nastalo nebo může nastat, ještě není ukončený.

Vyberte vhodné slovo. Soustřeďte se na užité fráze.

1 The radio is disturbing/interesting/cancelling me. Can you turn it off?
2 The computer won't start. I think it's broken down/taken out/checked out.
3 I don't understand it. It doesn't give/do/make sense.
4 She's arrived at the airport. I must get/pick/check her up.
5 He hasn't made any promise/progress/problems. His English is still bad.
6 They haven't checked off/checked out/logged out of the hotel yet.
7 We're going nowhere. I've refused/joined/cancelled our reservation.
8 We'll do it ourselves. We can do with/without/after their help.
9 Did he get your message? – I don't know. He hasn't confirmed/cancelled/switched receipt yet.

Do you get the joke? - Rozumíte vtipu?: Mother: Doctor, my son has eaten my pen! What can I do? ... Doctor: Use a pencil!

Doplňte vhodné frázové sloveso.

1 I missed my stop. I forgot to off the bus.
2 The computer is still on. He's forgotten to it off.
3 I didn't tell her, but she knows! How did she out?
4 He can't wait for you to come. He's to seeing you.
5 Keep trying! Don't up. You can do it.
6 I can't hear the radio. Can you it up?
7 I'm hot. I need to off my jacket.
8 I can't read it. I must on my glasses.
9 I'll be right with you. on a minute!

Zapamatujte si užitečný obrat I'll be right with you. - “Hned jsem u vás.”

Přeložte pomocí času předpřítomného. Využijte nápovědu.

1 Nikdy v Londýně nebyl. to
2 Už odešla. leave
3 Už jsi to četl? read, yet
4 Ještě jsem to neviděl. not, yet
5 Zlomil si ruku. arm
6 Znám ho už 5 let. for 5 years
7 Jak dlouho už tu jsi? how long
8 Už je to dlouho. long time
9 Už jste se někdy setkali? meet
10 Už jste jedli? eat

Doplňte since, for, yet nebo already.

1 I've been here two hours.
2 Have you cleaned ?
3 I've done that .
4 We've lived here last year.
5 They haven't arrived .
6 She's worked here five years.
7 Are you ready? - Not .
8 Are you leaving ? - Yes I have to go.

Řekněte anglicky.

1 Už jsem jedl.
2 Nic se nezměnilo. (zatím)
3 Ještě to neposlal.
4 Už jsi jí to řekl?
5 Znám ho už roky.
6 Ještě jsem neskončil.
7 Jak dlouho už tam pracuješ?
8 Bydlíme tady od roku 1990.
9 Už odcházíte?
10 Nikdy jsem tam nebyl.
11 Ještě to nenašel.
12 Už? – Ještě ne!

Stejný význam jako frázová slovesa turn on (zapnout) a turn off (vypnout) mají v angličtině switch on a switch off. Všimněte si, že se v nich vyskytují stejné předložky (částice). Samotné ON znamená zapnutý a OFF je vypnutý.