koho/co understand, comprehend, (hovor.) get sb/sth
Chápeš (to)?
Do you understand?, Do you get it?
Už chápu.
I see., I get the point.
aɪ siːˌ aɪ gεt ðə pɔɪnt
I don't understand., I don't get it.
To mě špatně chápete.
You misunderstand me., You misapprehend me.
Trošku pomaleji chápe.
He's a bit slow on the uptake.
Chápe velice rychle.
He's quick on the uptake.
Už začínám chápat.
I'm starting to get the picture!, I'm beginning to catch on.
Obávám se, že nechápu.
I am afraid I don't follow.
Já to chápu tak, že...
As I see it, ...
əz aɪ siː ɪtˌ
Mám to chápat tak, že...?
Is this supposed to mean that...?
ɪz ðɪs səˈpəʊzd tə miːn ðæt?
V tom vás chápu.
I take your point there.