
koho force, make, compel sb

Nenuťte mě do toho.
Don't force me., Don't make me do it.
dəʊnt fɔːs miːˌ dəʊnt meɪk miː dʊ ɪt
Nemůžu tě nutit, abys to udělal.
I cannot force you to do it.
aɪ kæˈnɒt fɔːs juː tə dʊ ɪt
Byli jsme nuceni souhlasit.
We were compelled to agree.
wiː wɜː kəmˈpεld tə əˈgriː
Menší obchody byly nuceny zavřít.
The smaller shops were forced to close down.
ðə smɔːlə ʃɒps wɜː fɔːst tə kləʊz daʊn
Nenuť se do toho.
Don't force yourself.
dəʊnt fɔːs jɔːˈsεlf
Kdo tě nutí?
Who's forcing you?
huːz fɔːsɪŋ juː?