arise, come into existence, (důsledek) z čeho result from sth
Vzniklo mnoho nových firem.
Many new firms have arisen., Many new firms have emerged.
ˈmεnɪ njuː fɜːmz hæv əˈrɪznˌ ˈmεnɪ njuː fɜːmz hæv ɪˈmɜːdʒd
Kdy vznikl svět?
When did the world come into existence?
Tento svátek vznikl v USA.
This holiday originated in the USA.
Vznikly problémy.
Problems arose., Problems (have) occurred.
Vznikne panika.
Panic will set in.
Nevznikla žádná škoda.
No damage has been done.
Uvidíme, co z toho vznikne.
We'll see what will come of it.