think of/about sth , (mínit) mean, (mít na mysli) have/keep sth in mind
Co myslíš (ty)?
What do you think?
Myslím, že ano.
I think so.
aɪ θɪŋk səʊ
Myslím, že ne.
I don't think so., I guess not.
aɪ dəʊnt θɪŋk səʊˌ aɪ gεs nɒt
Myslíte? (že je to tak)
Do you think so?
Co tím myslíte?
What do you mean (by that)?
Myslíš to vážně?
Are you serious?, Do you mean it?
Myslím to vážně.
I mean it., I'm serious., I'm in earnest.
aɪ miːn ɪtˌ aɪm ˈsɪərɪəsˌ aɪm ɪn ˈɜːnɪst
Na co myslíš?
What are you thinking about/of?
wɒt ɑː juː ˈθɪŋkɪŋ əˈbaʊt/əv?
To nemyslíš vážně!
You can't be serious!, You can't mean that!
Já jsem to tak nemyslel.
I didn't mean it (that way).
Co se myslí (slovem)...?
What is meant by...?
wɒt ɪz mεnt baɪ?
Myslel to dobře.
He meant (it) well.
Dělej, jak myslíš.
Do as you think fit., Do as you see fit.
Moc mu to nemyslí.
He is rather slow on the uptake., He is rather thick between the ears.
Mysli (trochu)!
Use your head!
Mysli na to!
Keep that in mind!
Myslím na ni.
I'm thinking of her.
Myslí jen na školu.
He only has school in mind.
Myslel jsem, že budeš unavený.
I thought you would be tired.