head, (přen.) (chytrost ap.) brains
Bolí mě hlava.
I have a headache.
Točí se mi hlava.
My head is spinning., I feel dizzy.
maɪ hεd ɪz ˈspɪnɪŋˌ aɪ fiːl ˈdɪzɪ
Jenom zakroutila hlavou.
She just shook her head.
Je o hlavu vyšší než já.
He's a head taller than me.
Má na hlavě čepici.
He's wearing a cap.
hiːz ˈwεərɪŋ ə kæp
Hlavu vzhůru!
Cheer up!, Keep your head up!, Keep your pecker up!
tʃɪə ʌp!ˌ kiːp jɔː hεd ʌp!ˌ kiːp jɔː ˈpεkə ʌp!
Nevím, kde mi hlava stojí.
I don't know whether I'm coming or going., I'm rushed off my feet.
Nemá to hlavu ani patu.
I can't make head nor tail of it., It doesn't make any sense.
aɪ kɑːnt meɪk hεd nɔː teɪl əv ɪtˌ ɪt ˈdʌznt meɪk ˈεnɪ sεns
Nedělej si z toho hlavu.
Take it easy., Don't worry about it.
teɪk ɪt ˈiːzɪˌ dəʊnt ˈwʌrɪ əˈbaʊt ɪt
Pusť to z hlavy!
Forget (about) it!, Get it out of your head!
fəˈgεt (əˈbaʊt) ɪt!ˌ gεt ɪt aʊt əv jɔː hεd!
Nech si to projít hlavou.
Think it over.
Lámal jsem si hlavu s/nad řešením...
I racked my brains for a solution...
aɪ ˈrækt maɪ breɪnz fə ə səˈluːʃən
To vypočítám z hlavy.
I can work that out in my head., I can calculate that mentally.
aɪ kən wɜːk ðæt aʊt ɪn maɪ hεdˌ aɪ kən ˈkælkjʊˌleɪt ðæt ˈmεntəlɪ
Mysli hlavou!, Používej hlavu!
Use your head!
Vrtá mi hlavou, jak...
It makes me wonder how...
ɪt meɪks miː ˈwʌndə haʊ
Nejde mi to do hlavy.
I can't get/wrap my head around it.
aɪ kɑːnt gεt/ræp maɪ hεd əˈraʊnd ɪt
Vzal si do hlavy, že pojede...
He took it into his head to go...
hɪ tʊk ɪt ˈɪntə hɪz hεd tə gəʊ
Skočil do toho po hlavě. (do činnosti ap.)
He dived head-first into it., He plunged headlong into it.
Je trochu (padlý) na hlavu.
He's a little strange/touched in the head.
hiːz ə ˈlɪtl streɪndʒ/tʌtʃt ɪn ðə hεd
Úplně ztratil hlavu.
He completely lost his head.
Postavil si hlavu.
He dug his heels in., He wouldn't budge.
Mám práce až nad hlavu.
I'm up to my eyes/elbows in work.
aɪm ʌp tə maɪ aɪz/ˈεlbəʊz ɪn wɜːk
Je hlavou rodiny.
He is the head of the household., (AmE hovor.) He wears the pants.
To jsi trefil hřebík na hlavičku.
You hit the nail on the head.
Hlava nebo orel?
Heads or tails?
hodit starosti za hlavu
throw one's cares to the wind, let it all hang out
θrəʊ kεəz tə ðə wɪndˌ lεt ɪt ɔːl hæŋ aʊt
jen tak z hlavy (bez ověřování ap.)
off-hand, off the top of one's head
ɒfhændˌ ɒf ðə tɒp əv hεd
od hlavy k patě
from tip to toe