co na co put sth on sth , (do provozu ap.) employ
Nasaď si ten klobouk/ty brýle.
Put the hat/glasses on.
pʊt ðə hæt/ˈglɑːsɪz ɒn
Nasadili mu pouta.
They handcuffed him.
Nasadil ostré tempo.
He set a hot pace.
Doktor mi nasadil antibiotika.
The doctor put me on antibiotics.
Nasadíme nové metody.
We will employ new methods.
Policie nasadila psy.
The police used dogs.
Nasadila mu parohy.
She cuckolded him., (hovor.) She grafted horns on him.
Nasazují své životy.
They risk their lives.
Zachránil ji s nasazením (vlastního) života.
He rescued her risking his (own) life.