1(ze zaměstnání ap.) koho dismiss, (hovor.) fire, (hovor.) sack sb
Propustili ji z práce.
She was dismissed.
Propustili mě na hodinu.
I was given an hour's notice.
Firma propouští zaměstnance.
The company is laying off workers.
2(na svobodu) koho release, discharge, (dát svobodu) free sb
Už ho propustili z nemocnice.
He's been discharged from the hospital., He's been released from hospital.
Propustili ho na podmínku.
He was given a conditional discharge.
Byl podmínečně propuštěn. (z vězení)
He was released on parole.
Bude propuštěn na kauci.
He'll be bailed (out)., He'll be released on bail.
Materiál nepropouští světlo.
The material doesn't let light (pass) through.