[θrəʊt ]
hrdlo, krk (vnitřek, přední část)
His tie was loosened at his throat.
Kravatu měl u krku povolenou.
They're at each other's throats.
Jdou si po krku., Jsou pořád v sobě.
I grabbed him by the throat.
Chytil jsem ho pod krkem.
She cleared her throat and ...
Odkašlala si a...
He's cutting his own throat.
He stuck his finger down his throat.
Strčil si prst do krku.
I have a dry throat.
Mám sucho v krku.
He has a frog in his throat.
Chraptí., Má zastřený hlas. (při nemoci)
He'll go for the throat.
Půjde (mu) po krku. (bude agresivní ap.)
She jumped down my throat.
Osopila/Obořila se na mě. (hrubě mě přerušila)
I have a lump in my throat.
Mám knedlík v krku. (nervozitou ap.)
I ram/shove it down his throat.
He slit/slashed his throat.
Podřízl ho.
I have a sore throat.
Bolí mě v krku.
It sticks in my throat.
Leží mi to v žaludku., Je mi to proti srsti.
He had a bone stuck in his throat.
Zaskočila mu kost.