write* [raɪt] (pt wrote, pp written)

psát, napsat, zapsat
It's written all over his face.
Má to napsaný v obličeji., Čiší mu to z tváře.
You can write away for advice.
Můžete si napsat o radu.
I wrote back to him.
Odepsal jsem mu.
I've written it down.
Zapsal jsem si to.
Can you write it down for me?
Můžete mi to napsat?
Much has been written about it.
Už se o tom hodně napsalo.
She writes for a newspaper.
Píše do novin.
Write in capital letters.
Pište velkými písmeny.
He wrote it in his own hand.
Napsal to vlastnoručně.
You must apply in writing.
Musíte zažádat písemně.
You can write it in.
Můžeš to tam dopsat/vepsat.
I'm writing in reply to your ...
Odpovídám na váš... (inzerát ap.)
Please write in to us.
Napište nám prosím. (do redakce ap.)
It's nothing to write home about.
Není to nic světoborného.
They wrote off the entire debt.
Odepsali celý dluh. (nesplatitelný)
They've written him off.
(přen.) Už ho odepsali.
(BrE) The car was written off.
Auto bylo na odpis. (po havárii)
I wrote off for more info.
Napsal jsem si o bližší informace.
She writes on topical issues.
Píše o aktuálních tématech. (novinářka ap.)
He wrote out a list of ...
Sepsal seznam... (dlouhý)
I'll write (out) a cheque for you.
Vypíšu ti šek.
(AmE) They write their own ticket.
Sami si určují podmínky. (spolupráce ap.)
I wrote to him about it.
Psal jsem mu o tom.
You'll have to write it up.
Budeš to muset rozepsat. (podrobně ap.)
They wrote the film up.
Ten film v recenzích vychválili.
The cop wrote me up a ticket.
Policajt mi dal (blokovou) pokutu.
write - written
Written rItEn je tvar minulého příčestí slovesa write ale i přídavné jméno (psaný, napsaný, písemný).